> Also: "caul -- A form by which, when heated, veneers are pressed when
> gluing them on." -- Robbie
Caul also refers to the aluminum or brass forms that piano suppliers sell
for us to bush keys with I have several sets for use with different
thicknesses of center or front rail pins. The most commonly used is .147"
(147 thousandths) I also had one special size made for use with reed
organs and another for Chickering oval top center rail pins. (088")
When you screw in a screw with your screwdriver and the blade comes out
of the slot it is said, in the trade, to "caul out" When you have this
problem over and over with one of those trashy Asian new wood screws, you
tear up the head of the screw so badly that when you get the screw screwed
in you then have to remove it, throw it away and put an another new one.
D. L. Bullock Piano World St. Louis