This will really be of interest only to MMDers in Oz. An electric player
piano was advertised in the local (Tasmanian) paper on Saturday. I
'phoned up, expecting the usual vacuum cleaner pump added to a clapped
out pedal player, and was told it was a Gulbransen and it had always had
an electric motor, and yes, there were 5 long slots at each end of the
tracker bar.
I haven't seen the piano, it's out of town, but it sounds identical to
mine. If so it has a screwed together stack, is straightforward to work
on, and plays very well, with the really responsive Motor Player
expression unit.
Asking price is a very hopeful $2600, but that's just the valuation
somebody put on the player some years ago. The owner knows it's only
worth what someone is prepared to pay.
John Phillips, Hobart Tasmania.