Damon Atchison asks why electricity was not used instead of vacuum in
players. I can hazard an opinion or two.
First is historical. Air systems of various sorts had been used long
before electric systems were developed, so there was a well-developed
expertise. People tend to use what they are familiar with.
Second, as Robbie said, is expense. Electrics were more expensive.
Using today's technology the reverse is true.
Third, electricity was not in every house in the heyday of players. The
prudent player manufacturer would want to capture the largest market
One manufacturer (Telelectric) did make an all-electric player. It was
indeed quite expensive, with the target market the well-to-do. Contrary
to what Robbie opined, the electric actuators were at least the equal of
the vacuum systems in speed. Telelectric was in business from 1905 to
1919, but was never very popular.
Bob Billings