I am delighted to find out about this web site. Galen Bird told me about
it. I have a question that appears that Craig Brougher may know about.
I have been considering manufacturing a very compact valve interface
device that should be able to attach directly to the tracker bar of a
player piano, or other tracker-bar-driven instrument. This device would
allow any 'old' player to be easily played by any modern MIDI, computer,
CD or other devices without teeing into trackerbar tubing, etc. etc.
It is my understanding that the 9-hole-per-inch standard was established
and agreed upon somewhere around the turn of the century. What I would
like to know is what other dimensions and tolerances were agreed upon. I
would like to know, for example, the tolerance on dimensions such as the
height and curve of the tracker bar. Can anyone here help me?
Gary Rasmussen
5520 Homecrest Lane, Mason, Ohio 45040
Phone and Fax (513) 336-6209
[ Welcome to MMD, Gary, and that's a great idea you have. "Tracker
[ Bar Specifications" (actual standardized dimensions) hasn't been
[ discussed before in these pages. All I remember is that the
[ American industry conference, "in a rare display of cooperation,"
[ agreed upon 9/inch, 11.25-inch width, and the flange-and-insert
[ method of supporting and rewinding the roll. Perhaps someone
[ knows if further standards developed after 1909. -- Robbie