I am pleased to let everyone know that Durrell Armstrong of Player Piano
Company, Wichita, KS., is currently planning a re-cutting project of style
"M" Orchestrion rolls. As any coin operated piano aficionado already
knows, these are seriously among the finest American orchestrion rolls
ever produced.
Style "M" rolls, which were used exclusively on Cremona pianos, have not
been re-cut for over a decade, and enthusiasts wishing to find any have
for the most part been out of luck. Owning a set of new "M" rolls would be
enough incentive to for me to construct a new instrument! The roll
controls _three solo_ instruments in addition to piano with mandolin rail,
in addition to the usual percussions. The arrangements were always very
well done and snappy.
Durrell is currently looking for ORIGINAL "M" rolls to copy. If you have
any to loan, or know where some may be lurking, please give him a call at
the phone number below. Partial rolls, or rolls with unidentified tunes
are fine.
Anyone interested in a chance to acquire a set of rolls containing some of
the best orchestrion music ever cut should contact him ASAP. You do not
have to loan rolls to be able to purchase a set. The more people on the
subscription, the cheaper the set will be, however there will be a limited
number of sets of rolls available. Even if you do not own an "M" style
instrument, this would still be a good investment, as no doubt someone a
few years down the road will need them.
Durrell is not on the Internet, so I volunteered to do this for him. I am
not getting any kickbacks! I have long been a fan of the "M" roll, so it
is my pleasure to create interest in them among other collectors. You may
contact him directly at
Player Piano Company
704 East Douglas
Wichita, KS 67202.
Telephone 316-263-3241.
John D. Rutoskey
Automatic Music Machines
Baltimore, Maryland