In Saturday's 970712 MMD, Eddie Fulmer was asking for plans for a
roll cabinet. Unless you want to construct one that's larger than the
original cabinets (or have carpentry as a hobby), why not go to your
local antique mall or flea market and take a look around?
According to my 1920's Montgomery Ward catalog, all of their players were
sold with "free" roll cabinets included. I'm sure this was more the rule
rather than the exception with most players. I've found that most of the
"music cabinets" (as the antique dealers label them) that can be found in
many antique business are actually piano roll cabinets. In the Mid-
Atlantic area, these cabinets are usually priced quite reasonably,
between $100-200.
Of course, antique dealers being the unique brand of folks that they
are, if they *knew* that they were "player piano roll cabinets" they'd
probably want to charge much more for such a "rare and unique" item! <G>
Jim Canavan
Alexandria, VA