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MMD > Archives > July 1997 > 1997.07.08 > 02Prev  Next

Are Old Music Rolls Worth Preserving?
By Bill Chapman

I'm sure I'm not the only one with lots of old tattered rolls tucked
away.  But I'm pretty sure I'm the only one moving 800 miles at this
moment.  I feel these rolls are a bit of history and find it hard to
toss out rolls even when the last playing indicated they weren't anything

I would be interested in knowing what other people think about the rolls
that are not particularly interesting (eye of the beholder, of course).
Should these be saved even though the arrangements are uninteresting,
predictable and dull?  Does the mere fact rolls have survived the better
part of a century justify preservation?

If the tune were one that had many copies made, the loss is minimal.
Because a song might be quite rare, but dull justify keeping and
someday(?) repairing it?  Just wondering what others are doing with
these paper albatrosses.

Bill Chapman, Seattle
"California or Bust"

(Message sent Tue 8 Jul 1997, 05:37:23 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Are, Music, Old, Preserving, Rolls, Worth

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