With regard to Steve Matta's request for plans for mechanical musical
instruments: Members of the British Organ Grinders Association (BOGA)
will already know of the busker organ designed by John Smith of Flitwick,
Basically, the organ is a small 20-note hand-turned organ which plays
paper rolls. John designed the organ *specifically* for ease of
construction, to enable it to be easily built by unskilled enthusiasts.
The set of plans he publishes also contains a video of how to build the
organ. If you are interested in building your own organ, you couldn't
get it much simpler than this!
I understand that John made a number of prototypes and changed the design
many times in order to simplify the construction as much as possible. I
supply music for this organ, and get quite a lot of feedback from people
who have built it. Everybody to whom I have spoken has derived an
enormous amount of pleasure from constructing the organ, and they have
learned a lot about organs as a result. If I had the time, I would
definitely have a go at making one myself, it sounds like a lot of fun.
John has sold over 150 sets of plans since the organ was announced in the
BOGA newsletter 7 months ago!
Melvyn Wright (supermuzik@aol.com)
[ Can you tell us how to order the plans, Melvyn? And would anyone in
[ MMD care to serve as a sales agent for the Americas if Mr. Smith
[ desires assistance? I'm thinking that overseas mailings can be
[ a lot of work. -- Robbie