G'day all you lyrical beer drinkers! When it comes to beer (or lack of
it!) songs, one of the most popular Australian songs ever recorded was
"The Pub with no Beer", sung by Slim Dusty. I think it was recorded in
the 1950's and had rather amusing lyrics but I can't remember them now.
All I can recall is:
"There's nothing so lonesome, morbid or drear',
Than to sit in the bar of a Pub with no Beer."
and also:
"Billy the Blacksmith, for the first time in his life,
Came home cold sober to his Darlin' Wife,
She said, "You're early my dear"
Then he broke down and told her,
'The Pub's got no Beer!' "
I recall a line about the local dog deciding it was no longer a safe
place for him hang about !
The Pub, or Public House, was and probably still is, the social centre
of most small country towns, and to run out of beer would be catastrophic!
Mastertouch Rolls in Australia recorded this song on roll S5096, and also
still have 3 versions of "Beer Barrel Polka" in the current catalogue.
Darrell Clarke,
Adelaide, Australia