Re Brain Thornton's questions about Welte Licensee rolls. Brian, I am in
the middle of a Licensee recut project & will send a list of available
titles to you, via e-mail. If any other subscribers want a list, please
contact me at me e-mail address. I have been doing Welte recuts since
1987, in conjunction with Ken Caswell, once of the original hobbyists who
has a wealth of knowledge about Red, Green & Licensee systems, having
restored & owned all three.
Ken currently has a Feurich Red converted to Licensee. He just used it
to make a CD of most the Fannie Blooomfield Zeisler rolls. The CD has
been mastered, is in pre-production right now & will be available at your
local CD store sometime in the Fall. Most likely you will have to
special order it, but Ken says that this is the CD that finally sounds
'right'. Ken did a limited run of the Debussy-played rolls, and the
Scionti rolls. He feels that this is his best effort to date.
I attempted to contact Andy Struble the other day, but the e-mail did not
go through. Perhaps you could forward my address to him so he could
contact me directly. I have a Red Welte upright that I have restored.
He had a question on the tubing diagram for the Red system. I'd be
pleased to share my knowledge with him.
Brian, don't think about converting the Licensee, there are too few of
them left! I'd be happy to help you with your questions & roll
acquisitions. I have about 40 or 50 Licensee rolls that are available,
both recuts & originals. Again, contact me for particulars.
John McClelland