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MMD > Archives > June 1997 > 1997.06.24 > 04Prev  Next

Keystone Music Rolls
By Spencer Chase

Bruce A. Clark asks about Keystone Music Rolls. I just received my "Warm
Weather" catalog and I am usually the last person I know to get anything via
U.S. mail to my rural location.

There are several rolls that I would like to order, but I have been
disappointed (understatement) with the quality of their recuts in the past.
What do people think of their recent attempts? Do they track? Are all the
holes in the right places (within reason?) Do they need to be aired out
before playing to part with the punchout paper?

Also how does the Duo-Art  roll of Chopin's Nocturne in D-Flat by John
Powell compare to the same by Hofmann? The Hofmann roll is one of my
favorite Duo-Art rolls, but my copy is almost unplayable and I have never
found a replacement or even a roll to have copied.

(Message sent Tue 24 Jun 1997, 07:23:24 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Keystone, Music, Rolls

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