Jody or Robbie; I've tried sending the following message to Andy Taylor
twice at his address and it has bounced back both times.
Maybe you will put it in the digest and he might see it that way. It might
be of passing interest to other people, anyway.
[ Editor's Note:
[ I'd like to encourage anyone who write in with a "bug report"
[ regarding e-mail to forward as much of the bounce message
[ as you can. We have not been getting bounce messages from
[ AOL for Andy, so I'm not sure whats the matter.
[ Jody
Hi Andy; I saw your note in MMD a couple of weeks ago and finally moved all
the heaps of 78 rpm records and other junk off the top of my as yet
unrestored Foster Marque Ampico upright so I could look inside. It wasn't a
very thorough look because it has a 65n pushup pushed up to it, and I didn't
much want to move that. Anyway here is what I can report.
As your note said, the scale is split 25-30-33, counting from the bass end.
However, notes 26 and 27 are trichords, just like all the notes above them.
This may be because this piano has a colour decal on the iron frame that
says "The American Piano With The Bell-Like Tone" It also has Foster &
Company Rochester - New York cast into the frame and also as a gold-leaf
decal on the fallboard. Unless the name plate is a really big lump of metal
that stretches right across the top of the frame, I don't think there is a
separate name plate. There are certainly four big bolts at the top, towards
the treble end of the piano, but I didn't see any dead giveaway gap near the
fourth (treblemost?) bolt.
Roughly below bolt no. 1 is a serial number, 60332. This appears to have
been painted on by a pretty competent calligrapher.
That's all I can report after a quick look.
All the best, John Phillips, Hobart, Tasmania.