Wish I could put into words what to look for in a butcher-restoration.
I find it hard to believe that someone could do a lousy job on a Steinway
Duo-Art. Anything is possible. Look for signs of yellow glue, aquarium
vinyl tubing, non-player materials, radiator hose, hose clamps, thin
pneumatic cloth on parts that should have motor cloth -- such as tracker
pneumatics and wind motor -- and who knows what else.
I believe that 5000 American dollars is a bargain for any Steinway grand.
We have sold gutted Steinways for that and more. I have never gutted a
Steinway player. I hear stories all the time about another one being
gutted. Yesterday I talked with a man that has a Model O Steinway Red
Welte he is thinking about gutting. He has $15,000 in this unrestored
piano but can sell it gutted easier than with the player.
Unfortunately the plain old fact is that the better name pianos are
bringing more money without their player parts than with them. The
bottom line is: Buy the Steinway for the $5000 and be happy even with a
poor rebuild job; it is worth the money. I hope you keep it as a player
as it will play circles around anything made today.
Don Teach
Shreveport Music Co
1610 E. Bert Kouns
Shreveport, LA 71105