I have built a Wurlitzer Model 105 Military Band Organ from scratch.
After two years and $3000 in material I now have what I think is a very
good organ. I used a Dayton blower vice the bellows for reliability.
I am now wanting to build a steam or air calliope. Does anybody have
any plans out there for such a project? If so please e-mail me back at
repo@webtv.net Thanks.
David Repanshek
Portsmouth, Virginia.
[ Editor's Note:
[ Good air calliope plans are available by mail for $25 from
[ Bob Stanoszek
[ 17641 Sagamore Rd.
[ Walton Hills, OH 44146
[ An article titled "Build a Steam Calliope", by Andrew G. Thompson,
[ appeared in Live Steam magazine, June 1977.
[ Robbie