I was pleasantly surprised to see Sandra Hurly's introductory note on the
MMD the other day. Let me tell you a little "Behind The Scenes" stuff
about how she came to know of the MMD.
Since 1984 I have worked in various mostly volunteer positions at our
local historical museum, which, since 1986 has had a played piano.
For the most part I am the only person that has taken an active interest
in it, although most of the staff can passably demonstrate it. Anyway,
for a while I was paid staff, and working with a lady who also worked
at the public library. So Sandra gets her new piano, and goes to the
library and asks my co-worker, who happens to be at the library help desk,
along the lines of "What do you have about player pianos?" Well, in an
instant Sandra has my name and is on her way to the museum.
I told Sandra she might have a job ahead of her and to get a test roll
and a tracker bar pump. I gave her some addresses, and invited her to
the next meeting of the Texas Chapter of AMICA. She came, she's hooked,
she's in.
Last January I started publishing a chapter newsletter (The Old Piano
Roll News), and mentioned the MMD in one of the issues. I have been
secretly hoping someone from the Texas Chapter would show up on MMD
after I mentioned it. By the way... she lives just right up the street!
p.s. sorry the last issue was late!