When I still in high school I had installed a player piano in my bedroom
against my parents wishes. They did however let me keep it there....After
all I wanted one in the worst way and, heck isn't it much better than a
cheap stereo basting Rock & Roll?
A few months later I found a half dozen PictureRolls in an antique store. My
favorite of the batch was a piece called "Turbulence" It was full of rolled
cords at a frantic pace. It was perfect- "Tie Nell to the tracks as the
evil villain sneers", music.
I played it alot and one night my father came in and in a not-so-pleasant
way, asked me to not play the piece any more when he was around. My mother
said it drove her up the wall, and wondered why I didn't listen to pop
music like normal kids.
Parents ...You just can't make em happy!
Psssst .......I still have the roll B.T.W.