Hello Jody,
Although I have only been receiving the Digest since August '96, I have
received years of information and accumulated knowledge. I will give
a 'birthday present' to you by means of a retro-active subscription. So
2 years past plus current year makes 3 years. I've been mulling over
an appropriate subscription price and feel that $50/yr ($1/week) is not
going to break the bank. The information obtained is worth many time
An interesting concept would be to have a voluntary subscription.
Thereby, readers may remit to whatever degree of useful info they
receive and not chase off potentially prolific posters at the gate.
Plus, to reward you for your dedication a commission should be
received on business deals thru your medium. After all, it is free
advertising to a target group.
It is no small task to moderate this list every day and your efforts
should not go unpunished. Elevating you into a higher tax bracket
is warranted.
Jon Page
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass. (jpage@capecod.net)