Piano case decals are available from a great many sources which include
piano parts supply houses and direct from the maker. A good source must
be discovered by research or referral because the market is really too
small for wide spread advertising.
As with most business, one will stand out above the rest because of their
attitude, service, price and selection. All of this praise goes to
Decals Unlimited, Inc.
9333 96th Street No.
Mahtomedi, MN, 55115
I was restoring a Knabe (1939) at the time and needed a new Fall Board
Decal. I sent pictures and text of the original to many many places.
Most could not supply. Some sent me what they had which was not the exact
one I wanted. It would seem that even though they had the correct name,
they had no selection of styles or art work.
Decals Unlimited was able to offer me several variations of the "Knabe"
decal, and one was the exact match for my project. They also sent me
their compleat catalogue with all the update and new addition sheets. In
those, I could see their entire range and it included Sound Board Decals -
some a terrific size and beautifully coloured. I am certain that the cost
of the materials they sent me would far out strip any profit they made
on their sale to fill my needs.
In addition to all this, they even offer a service to custom make an
exact copy of your original decal if you supply a "rubbing" photo or
other information, and colours. This is not a type-set thing, but an
exact duplicate.
If this sounds like an old fashioned testimonial - it is. I felt I
received, as possibly a one time only customer from a foregin country,
the service and treatment reserved for only someone with a large corporate
order in hand. All that good will and unsurpassed customer relations,
and I got the item I needed as well. This type of thing does not happen
often so I thank the MMD for providing a forum to not only help their
subscribers, but to promote deserving suppliers.
Ken Vinen, Stratford, Ontario, Canada.