If you read any of my other articles branching from my finding of this
piano, you'll know what someone has done to it. The previous worker
installed a home-made suction box and also a home-made lighting system.
It was a real mess. Luckily, they didn't get adventurous enough to
destroy the wind motor or stack.
The piano seems to have a standard action, except for the supply and
reservoir bellows. They are different than any I've seen before. The
supply bellows are behind a solid board, but there is no reservoir. I
think that it may be in front of that board though, because I did see
another bellows, but that one wouldn't move. The piano's cereal number
is 23185. The company logo reads, "GRINNELL BROS. DETROIT MICH -
A lot of things are unhooked. I really need to speak to someone who has
this exact same piano. (or has at least seen one)
Damon Atchison