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MMD > Archives > April 1997 > 1997.04.27 > 11Prev  Next

Voltem Piano Rolls
By Dave Kerr

Going by the four examples I have (and would like to have more of),
Wilcox & White Co. produced a 'De Luxe' 88n 'melodant' roll under the
brand name Voltem for which I can find no reference in the literature.
Patent dates on the notice label run from Dec 4 1900 to Feb 6 1912.

The box labels are art nouveau in design, 'Voltem' embossed in orange/red
script, the info in chocolate brown and a maroon border in 'cigarette
smoke' style.  Boxes are covered in orange/tan reptile-skin embossed

The rolls (in my opinion) more than live up to the beauty of the box;
they only differ from W&W Angelus Melodant Artistyle 88n rolls in that
_all_ perforations are chained, the artist given and the arrangements
appear and sound genuinely hand-played -- that is, cut-in ritards/
accelerandos and few in-line block chord perforating.  Perhaps the name
Voltem was chosen to reflect the recording method?

  Voltem "The Music Roll De Luxe"
  The Wilcox & White Company   Meriden, Conn.

  0512 Nocturne Op9 No2 / Chopin / pb Percival K van Yorx
  0516 Prelude Op28 No20 / Chopin / pb Maurice Kvan
  0518 En Bateau / Debussy / pb Charles Gilbert Spross
  0605 Woodland Sketches Op51 No9 & 10 / MacDowell / pb Percival van Yorx

Since I did find these rolls here in Southern Ontario -- Land of the
Arranged Bland by Otto Higel Co. of Montreal -- perhaps they are better
known 'out there'.

Speaking as a devotee of the impressionist school of composing/playing,
Voltem rolls are the equal+ of Hupfeld Animatics.  I sure would appreciate
more historical information (and rolls :-)) if you got 'em, folks.

Dave Kerr

(Message sent Sun 27 Apr 1997, 16:55:35 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Piano, Rolls, Voltem

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