Hello, I've been reading the articles lately for Midi with the use of
new instruments and keyboards. What I am interested in is copying rolls
to a common Midi format to be played back through pneumatic instruments.
I have been developing ideas for building a stack of primaries which
will operate micro switches to record the holes from a roll into Midi
recorder. From this I want to replay the Midi through electric valves
to operate my reproducing piano, and perhaps another instrument.
I also want to expand this into nickelodeons and piano based
orchestrions. I figure to record the keyboard, expression, pedal and
various additional instruments I will need a stack with about 200
switches. This should cover Duo-Art, Ampico, Welte as well as A, G, 4X,
Link and Losche rolls. My intent is to build an adjustable roll frame
with interchangeable tracker bars. Each tracker bar would tube into half
of a common junction so that it could be quickly changed. The piano keys
would remain the same, and pedals etc. will tube to the corresponding
What I really need to continue with this idea is information about the
electronic components needed to record the signals into a Midi device,
and the corresponding components which would mount into each instrument
to play it back through. I also need leads on GOOD miniature electric
valves suitable for use in rubber tubing.
I hate to try to re-invent the wheel so if anyone has information or
ideas on how I might go about doing this, I would greatly appreciate
their input.
Andy Struble
[ Editors note:
[ The IMI Cassette Converter (late 1970s) and an Australian equivalent
[ did just the task you pursue, Andy. The music quality of the system
[ is quite dependent upon consistent operation of the pouch and switch,
[ as you can imagine, but the results are quite acceptable when every-
[ thing works properly. The external Midi clock "ticks" should be
[ generated by the motion of the music roll by using a measuring roller
[ for about 400 pulses per lineal inch. Circuit boards for the commu-
[ tator and decommutator functions ("record" and "play") are possibly
[ available from these MMD members:
[ Laurent Coray <laurent@octetdesign.com>
[ John Wale <essfc@csv.warwick.ac.uk>
[ Robbie