Seek Drawing of Duo-Art Tracker Bar
By Thomas Henden
As I have plans to add Duo-Art expression on my Weber Aeolian Themodist player, and I will have access to an advanced work shop for some short time, I would appreciate if someone could send me the exact measurements of the extra holes in the Duo Art tracker bar. (How they are placed in relation to the ordinary 88-note and Themodist holes.) I would like to drill the holes, which is a delicate job, when I have access to this workshop and appropriate help there.
The extra holes I need to drill are: Expression holes (2x4) exact distance to the note holes below, and their form (e.g., if they are rectangular of if they are square or round), Soft pedal hole at the right side, motor shut off or reroll hole.
(If someone have a scanned image of the trackerbar at high resolution, I would be happy to get one by e-mail attachment too.)
If someone has an original tracker bar for sale, of course I would like to know the price!
Sincerely Thomas Henden
(Message sent Mon 17 Mar 1997, 17:55:46 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.) |