Recently Pintite has been touted on this list as a great pin driving
fluid and the answer to pinblocks with loose tuning pins. The primary
reason given for this endorsement has been Pintite's stated unique
chemical composition. The secondary reason given has been personal
experience with said product.
While Pintite's chemical composition may differ it from its competitors,
these products' advertised purpose is to be absorbed by wood cells of the
pinblock, expand the wood and harden in place.
It should be pointed out, to any of you that are thinking about using
this product (or its competitors) as a pin driving fluid or pinblock
tightener, that:
1. There has not been one an article in the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG)
Journal in the last 15 years that has endorsed the use of pin tighteners
in pinblocks.
2. Pin tighteners are not endorsed by any of the top nationally
recognized piano technician schools.
3. Not one current piano manufacturer endorses pin tighteners in
warranty situations - it's either repin, restring or replace.
4. Not one piano manufacturer uses pin tighteners in the installation of
new pinblocks.
5. Not one major pinblock manufacturer endorses the use of pin
tighteners in their blocks.
6. The only known companies that endorse these products are the supply
houses that sell them and the companies that make them.
Those of you that take issue with the above points need only to call the
PTG, the piano technicians schools, or the manufacturers. While one
man's thirty years of satisfactory experience with a product is nothing
to take lightly, it must viewed in context with what is being said by the
entire industry.
Charles Flaum, RPT
President, NJ Chapter, Piano Technicians Guild