Good 65-note Rolls
By Dan Wilson
Mark van Essen offers, amongst others, the following 65-note rolls:
> 1. Metrostyle *large.* # 69493, Konzert fur zwei Klavier (Es dur). > 3rd mov. Rondo (Allegro). Mozart
This roll and the two preceding it, the 1st & 2nd movements of the Mozart two-piano Concerto, are (if one is classically minded) possibly the rarest and finest 65-note rolls to be had. You have to be both pianos and the orchestra, all at once. QRS did a reduction for 88n as part of their "Hits from 'Salieri'" jumbo some time back. Any 65ers out there, get it !
> 5. Aeolian *large.* # 4038, Wiener Bonbons Waltz. > Paraphrase de Concert, by Rivr-King. Strauss
Mark, the Aeolian is a _58-note_ instrument. Have you measured the width of these rolls ? 58s look identical to 65s but are <guess> an inch narrower. The earliest 65s usually said "Piano" because player pianos were at the time a deviation from Aeolian's main business: Aeolians. The first pushup Pianolas had sliding take-up spool cheeks and took both widths. Judging by the number of organ nuts I've met who have savaged 65n rolls to fit their instruments, I believe 58n rolls are marginally more sought after than 65s, too.
Dan Wilson