Standard-Themodist Expression Mechanism
By David Blake
Thanks to Craig Brougher I have got a long way down the road with restoring my Stanley Brinsmead Player. The player mechanism, I am now convinced, is a Standard because a number of the parts are identical to those in Reblitz which are identified as a Standard.
The one problem remains the expression mechanism. This is attached to the rear of the main bellows unit below the keyboard and is totally out of reach when everything is in place so that you can pump the pedals. I have rigged this unit up on its own and get vacuum from a vacuum cleaner but I still cant get the unit to play with Themodist on.
The two spring-controlled bellows always close fully, even with Themodist off and vacuum applied directly to the stack. I have tried increasing the spring tension but all to no avail; am I missing something? It almost seems as if I have too much suction, even though I haven't got enough to play the notes.
Regards, David Blake, Stratford Upon Avon UK