Reproduction Instruments
By Stephen Kent Goodman
Owning an original KT Special, I was concerned that the creation of a first-class replica would lower the value of originals, but actually they helped increase them for a while. I understand that the replicas sold for close what a restored original would go for. I believe these instruments have kept their values and sell for what a restored original would sell for now.
Some time ago, David Boehn made beautiful exact replica Wurlitzer Harps with an improved plucking action. The sounding boards were so superb that owner's of originals who sounding boards had become warped, actually ordered sounding boards from him. Again, his new harps sold for what a mint restored original would go for. I have no information on the Phonoliszt. I believe William Edgerton reproduced the KT Special.
S. K. Goodman
(Message sent Mon 10 Feb 1997, 19:08:10 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.) |