I do sandblasting and the blower I use to supply air to my blasting hood
is, I have been told, the suction device for the pneumatic systems used
at drive-in bank teller windows to transport the document tubes. It is,
I think, a motor-mounted regenerative-turbine which has identical intake
and outlet ports. Take your pick -- pressure or vacuum.
It is relatively quiet and very powerful, but the reason I mention it is
that the motor is totally enclosed and there are fins on the housing to
dissipate the heat. A simple throttling mechanism could be adapted to
obtain the vacuum/pressure desired. Other than this I can't comment on
it's suitability for Mechanical Music Makers.
One thing has just occurred to me, however: standard 1- 1/4-inch
'corrugated' sump pump drain hose has a tendency to set up standing waves
that are so loud I must wear earplugs for that reason alone. I haven't
discovered the key to eliminating or reducing this problem yet, and would
welcome any suggestions. But in a very limited sense I do, already, have
my very own mechanical 'music' maker! Johnny One-Note, indeed! Best
danz (Maybe I'll start signing myself as danzon....)
Richard Danzey
[ I once used a small (1/6-hp) regenerative blowed in lieu of a high-
[ speed turbine blower. It's a marvelous device, and fairly quiet. I
[ bought one from the old-time Spencer 'Orgelblo' Turbine Co., which
[ made organ blowers, but the small regenerative blower was made for
[ them in Japan. ... Did you know that Charles F. Stoddard, the
[ Ampico inventor, held many patents on the pneumatic tube system!
[ -- Robbie