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MMD > Archives > October 1996 > Contents of Digest 1996.10.24Prev  Next

01 Duo-Art Expression coding Robert Pintar
02 Aeolian-Hammond rolls James Weisenborne
03 G Rolls Al Menashe
04 Phones Changes in France Philippe Rouillé
05 Recut Project for Moller Organ Rolls James Weisenborne
06 Re: Personal Perforated Paper Manivelle, reply Angelo Rulli
07 Re: Hand-Punched Manivelle; Tipu Tiger Michael Woolf
08 Re: Partial Punch Material Problems Karl Ellison
09 Re: Organ Makers in the Netherlands and Belgium Bob Conant
10 Hippocratic Oath Stan Rhine
11 Lador Music Box Parts Gary Hogan
12 Gulbransen Unit Pneumatics Craig Brougher
13 Stack Rebuilding Bill Boulton
14 Subscribe; Help Needed with Stoddard Ampico Dave Keates
15 Lead Tubing Philip Jamison
16 Lead Tubing Jody Kravitz
17 Gershwin CD - Enough! Joyce Brite
18 Player piano for sale Doug McDonald
19 Subscribe; 1925 Straube for sale Michael Concordia

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