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MMD > Archives > August 1996 > 1996.08.02 > 05Prev  Next

Need to Borrow Reproducing Rolls!!
By Ed Chaban


My name is Ed Chaban. Some of you may recognize me as the proprietor of "The Patriot Piano Roll Company" I've been providing recuts of AMPICO and Duo-Art rolls for the last three years.

What I do is publish a list of titles and ask my customers to "vote" for those titles they'd be interested in buying. This seems to be the only economically feasable method of servicing a very small market. Making up inventory without knowing if there are buyers is a recipe for disaster. We use the services of Play-Rite in nearby Turlock CA to do our recutting. We then package the rolls in high quality boxes with reproductions of the original label and ship them to our customers.

Anyway, I've been using my personal collection and the collections of a few dedicated customer/collectors as a source of "master rolls". I'm rapidly depleting my resources and need your help! If any of you are willing to lend me your rolls so that others may enjoy some fine music for their beloved instruments, I'd be most obleiged.

What's in it for you? Free recuts!! For every roll of yours that we recut, we'll give you two free rolls. Simply send a list of rolls you think are dandy and we'll run them in our next list. We'll contact you if your rolls see enough demand to warrant recutting. We'll pay for any shipping or insurance costs and let you choose from any rolls we have in stock or will be recutting.

This is not a huge money making venture for me. In fact, I've seen losses in two of the last three years. My motivation is to provide a source of beautiful music to those of us who can't afford to pay huge amounts of money for auction rolls or buy entire collections at estate sales.

Even if you think your collection is big enough, won't you please consider loaning us some of your favorites? The Malones at Play-Rite have a long and respected reputation for treating valuable originals with the utmost care. Think about the generations of young people who will enjoy the music your helped to preserve by allowing your rolls to be reproduced.

Be well!

-Ed Chaban

(Message sent Sat 3 Aug 1996, 05:00:27 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Borrow, Need, Reproducing, Rolls

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