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MMD > Archives > July 1996 > 1996.07.31 > 03Prev  Next

Tracker Bar Cleaning
By Spencer Chase

I'm sure this will be one of many divergent opinions about tracker bar cleaning. My theory about tracker bar pumping is that it needs to be done vigorously. You are trying to dislodge and remove dust (and perfory if you buy Keystone rolls) from the bleed and pouch area through a long restrictive signal tube. Sucking, especially gently, with a vacuum cleaner may clean the tracker bar but may allow residue to remain and build up in the pouch area. There is a reason for the good old hand operated tracker bar pump. With a sharp tug, it can develop well over 120 wci of vacuum over one or two tracker bar holes. Since the volume and therefore the flow rate are limited by the=20capacity of the pump, there is little chance of damage unless the pouches are ready to fall apart anyway. The best vacuum cleaners develop about 60 wci of vacuum. If a nozzel is fitted to the vacuum cleaner, this would be a better way to clean the system than nothing, but the old hand pump is still much better. One word of warning. Most vacuum cleaners cool their motors with the air that is drawn through their suction hose. If this is restricted (eg. by a nozzel) for a long period, the motor can overheat and fail.

(Message sent Mon 29 Jul 1996, 07:09:27 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Bar, Cleaning, Tracker

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