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MMD > Archives > July 1996 > 1996.07.09 > 03Prev  Next

Regular Rolls on Reproducers, Etc.
By Jim Canavan

I've been following the discussion regarding possible problems of playing regular 88-note rolls on Ampico A and Bs. I'm a "newbie" to expression pianos (this means that I hope some day to "trade-up" from my regular pumper to a Duo-Art upright!). My question is: do Duo-Arts have this problem with regular rolls also, or is this an Ampico-only problem?

Regarding the Play-Rite discussion, I ordered some regular rolls thru Playtime's homepage last week. I'll report on quality & sound when I receive them. The Duo-Art roll (HMS Pinafore) that I've already received sounds wonderful on my pumper. The roll edges are a little rougher than QRS rolls (My one Keystone roll that has similar slightly rough edges). The box is also a lighter weight cardstock than QRS, but frankly, with a price difference of $3.25 between QRS and Play-Rite's regular rolls, I don't mind this at all!

After playing new acquistions for first time, I always pump out my tracker bar. New QRS rolls ALWAYS seem to leave little bits of paper in the tracker pump filter. There was none with the Play-Rite roll--but we'll see if that's just a fluke once I get my next shipment!

(Message sent Tue 9 Jul 1996, 16:30:56 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Etc, Regular, Reproducers, Rolls

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