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MMD > Archives > July 1996 > 1996.07.07 > 04Prev  Next

Playing Non-expression Rolls on Ampicos
By John Grant

Hello List,

The problem of how to get non-expression rolls to play satisfactorily on Ampico pianos was one I addressed in two AMICA Bulletin technical articles. The first appeared in the December 1984 issue, page 182, and was specific to Ampico "B" mechanisms. The second appeared in the January/February 1985 issue, page 11, which corrected a minor inaccuracy in the first article's illustration and included a second illustration specific for Ampico "A" mechanisms. The principles involved are the same for both pianos. There may be some slight advantage to having these intensities AND the 7B and 7T tubes sprung open at the same time, as Craig Brougher suggests, as this would prevent a "build-up" of any spurious intensity signals. On the whole, however, the method has worked well for me, is simple, makes use of parts at hand, and makes no unreversible change to the mechanism, attributes which Craig's method also shares.

Anyone without access to these back issues may email me with their mailing address and I will send a photo copy of the pages mentioned. Someone (Terry? Jody?) may attempt scanning and posting the illustrations but I don't know if they are of high enough quality to be successful.

-John Grant

(Message sent Mon 8 Jul 1996, 04:24:50 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampicos, Non-expression, Playing, Rolls

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