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MMD > Archives > April 1996 > 1996.04.15 > 10Prev  Next

Roll Repair Tape
By John Phillips

Robert Deland asks about roll repar tape. As I mentioned in my bacon rind nonsense, I've been using Filmoplast P tape, made by the Neschen Co. in Germany. I get it from an Australian company specializing in conservation materials. If there is one such company in Aus., there must be at least twenty in the U.S. If you don't get any better responses to your query, Robert, may I suggest your 'phone your local museum? They will possibly employ a paper conservator or should be able to direct you to one, and from there you should get a line to the tape. Neschen also produce a slightly thicker tape they label as Filmoplast P50. This is useful for repairs at the back of a roll tag, where there is a lot of stress, or for re-attaching a roll to a spool.
Best of luck. John Phillips.

(Message sent Mon 15 Apr 1996, 12:16:15 GMT, from time zone GMT+1000.)

Key Words in Subject:  Repair, Roll, Tape

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