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MMD > Archives > October 1995 > 1995.10.27 > 03Prev  Next

Re: Genetics, Analog to MIDI
By Larry Smith

Jody, I'm sending this to both rolls and rollsreq since you didn't mention which address you got my last post on, and as far as I know I haven't gotten through to rolls or automatic-music since I got back.  Please let me know if the rolls or automatic-music addresses are working again.

 [ Of course, this time everything worked perfectly
 [ and I received both copies.  Thanks for being
 [ persistant.  This is a very interesting thread.
 [ Jody

In an earlier digest I mentioned the following in regards to a genetic algorithm converting unrestricted analog to midi:

> Beyond that, you need a way to suck up a target performance as a .wav
> file, and a way to create a .wav file from a midi performance short of
> just playing the thing out loud and digitizing the result

I've just run across a shareware product called WAVmaker by a fellow named Tommy Anderberg,  Let me report the bit I found on

| WAVmaker 1.0 - the first Shareware MID to WAV Rendering |
| and Audio FX package! For info, aim your Web browser at |
| or download by anonymous FTP:  |
|     |
|      |
Q: What the heck is "MID-to-WAV-rendering"?
A: It's one of the functions performed by WAVmaker. Given a General
   MIDI file, WAVmaker can "play" it to a WAV file, which can then
   be listened to by itself or included in a program/multimedia
   production. No wavetable card is needed. Polyphony is virtually
   unlimited; the default format is 16 bit stereo, 44.1 kHz, but you
   can also use lower resolution (down to 8 bit mono, 11025 Hz).

Q: Can I really download WAVmaker 1.0 for free?
A: Yes, I swear,

   Now the answer: if you have Web access, go to WAVmaker's Home Page,


   If you prefer anonymous FTP, any SimTel mirror will do, e.g.


   You can also try a cool site located in Moscow, which was WAVmaker's
   first official home on the Net:


   IMPORTANT: On the Net, WAVmaker 1.0 is distributed as FIVE files,
   called through You need all five!

Q: Can I run WAVmaker 1.0 under Windows 95?
A: Yes. I was concerned about this, but several users have told me it
   works just fine. Since WAVmaker is a resource-hungry program, I do
   recommend that you drop out of the GUI.

Q: Can I run WAVmaker 1.0 under Windows 3.x?
A: Better not. If you MUST (?!?), make sure that you have reserved
   enough memory (you need at least 4MB), and do not use the
   SVGA viewer (e.g. for the graphical title screen; use the setup
   program to turn it off). This is NOT a good idea, though. Do
   yourself a favour and run WAVmaker from DOS.

I sent email to Tommy and found he _is_ interested in a genetic analog-to-midi program using this as a core.  He is presently porting the code from Pascal to C/C++.  I'll keep everyone posted as to progress.

>> If anyone here goes to Charles Hind's workshop on building new musical
>> boxes, _please_ collect whatever material you can and post a full review
>> of what he's been working on!

> Larry,
> its too bad this last part didn't get here in time.  Did you talk
> to any of our subscribers while you were at the convetion ?

Well, I'm still hoping someone here went to Charles' workshop and will tell us about it.  I didn't run into any _known_ subscribers while I was at the mart, but I only attended the public mart this year, and it looked like most everything was winding down - some folks didn't even bother to stay set up for it, they were packing up and leaving just as the door opened to the public.

Larry Smith

(Message sent Fri 27 Oct 1995, 15:14:31 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Analog, Genetics, MIDI

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