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FAQ Piano-related Resources
By Phil Tompkins, forwarded by Terry Smythe

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 From:         To: ALL                       Orig: MBNET
 Subj: FAQ Piano-related Resourc Area: 0-sic.makers.piano      Date: 08/27/95

Here's the final final draft of "FAQ: Piano-related Resources on the Internet" for final (I hope) review.  I discovered a few more useful references since Draft 2.  I would appreciate comments, additions and/or corrections.



       FAQ:  Piano-related Resources on the Internet

                  Draft 3, August 27, 1995

This document contains references to Internet resources which are piano-related or of likely interest to piano players.  It is intended to answer questions of the type "Where can I find ________________ on the Internet?"

It is assumed that the reader has a fundamental familiarity with the various internet facilities, e.g., World-Wide Web, listserv, FTP, Gopher, telnet, etc.

The author welcomes any additions or corrections.



1.    FAQs. 2.    Newsgroups. 3.    Mailing lists. 4.    Organizations. 5.    Automated scores. 6.    Composers, performers and repertoire. 7.    Copyright. 8.    Instructional software references and reviews. 9.    Music publishers. 10.   Piano manufacturers. 11.   Injuries. 12.   Piano course descriptions. 13.   Events. 14.   Bibliographies. 15.   Various special topics. 16.   Starting points for Internet searches.


1.    FAQs.

1.1.  FAQs for newsgroup

   *  General Piano FAQ.  In preparation by Isako Hoshino,  Interim versions may be posted on

   *  Digital Piano FAQs.

      General Discussion: FTP file name at is

      Hardware Specifications: FTP file name at is

   *  FAQ on Playing From Memory.  FTP file name at
      is /pub/usenet/news.answers/music/piano/memory-playing-faq

1.2.  RMMP FAQ retrieval.
      FAQs for are posted monthly on, rec.answers, and news.answers.
      They may be obtained by FTP from
      and on the WWW at

      If you do not have access to anonymous FTP or WWW, you may
      retrieve a FAQ by sending an E-mail to

      Leave the subject blank.  The text should contain
          SEND usenet/news.answers/music/piano/xxxxxxx
      (Supply xxxxxxxx based on the specific file - see above.)

      The FAQ editor and maintainer for is
      Isako Hoshino,

1.3. FAQ.  Posted to the

1.4.  Other music-related FAQs.  While not piano-specific, the
      following FAQs may be of interest to piano players:

   *  FAQ for  Sheet music
      supplier addresses; performance anxiety; instrument
      suppliers; injuries; organizations; reading list.  File
      name at is

      . . . . . . .


2.    Newsgroups.

   *  Piano.

   *  Other music related.


3.    Mailing lists.

      Subscribe by sending a message containing only:
          SUB listname
      to the subscription address.  A site will usually require
      your name in the message:
          SUB listname firstname listname

   *  Piano-L.  For pianists and piano teachers.  All aspects
      of performance and pedagogy may be discussed.
      Subscription address:

   *  MUSPRF-L mailing list - Music Performance and Pedagogy.
      Subscription address: LISTSERV@CMSUVMB.CMSU.EDU

   *  HPSCHD-L.  Harpsichord; other early keyboard instruments.
      Subscription address:


4.    Organizations.

4.1   Piano-specific.

   *  Piano Technicians Guild.  On-line information for piano
      players as well as piano technicians.  Tuning and mainten-
      ance; links to other piano, organ, general music sites.

   *  West Mesa Music Teachers Association, Rio Rancho, NM.
      Produces "The Piano Education Page", which contains infor-
      mation of interest to teachers, students and parents, plus
      WWW links to numerous other music resources.

4.2   General music-related.

   *  International Association of Music Information Centres.
      Currently provides a homepage with links to the American,
      Canadian and Norwegian Music Center(re)s, plus a list of
      all the affiliated national music organizations.  Watch
      this homepage for new links as other music centers begin
      using the Web.

   *  American Music Center.  Library of scores (search catalog
      on line, borrow by mail) and recordings; directory of
      composers (arrange contacts); information on organizations
      and competitions; links to other music information sites.

   *  Canadian Music Center/Centre Musique Canadienne.  Library
      database (on line search of catalog of scores and record-
      ings, plus loan requests); purchase scores of Canadian
      music by E-mail.

   *  Norwegian Music Information Centre.  Articles on music in
      Norway; useful addresses; catalog of most of the music in
      print of most of the contemporary Norwegian composers;
      news and events; links to other music resources.  A fine
      example of integration of automated information.


5.    Automated scores.

   *  In PostScript format:

   *  Preludes and "BlueStrider" by Jeff Harrington, in PostScript
      and MIDI format:

   *  Music by Brent Hugh:
      Site will become

   *  In MIDI format:

   *  Sheet music collection of the Johns Hopkins Milton Eisen-
      hower Library (WWW site being created).  Social history of
      America through its popular music.


6.    Composers, performers and repertoire.

   *  World Wide Web individual artist pages.

   *  "Unknown Composers".  Biogaphical summaries and lists of
      compositions of composers whose works deserve to be heard
      and played more than they are.  Includes "Non-standrard
      Piano Masterpieces", written by members of the Piano-L

   *  Scarlatti Archive [or a beginning at least].  Recording

   *  Performer biographical summaries.

   *  Composer biographical summaries.


7.    Copyright.

   *  U.S. Copyright Office.  Obtain Circulars on-line.
      telnet:    Log on as marvel.

   *  Article "The Copyright Law and the Musician" by David
      Richards.  Covers the nature and extent of copyright pro-
      tection, restrictions on copying and arranging, "fair use",
      recording, public performance, infringement, penalties,
      licensing organizations.

   *  Article by Sandy Jane Wong on copyright in relation to

   *  Text of copyright laws.

   *  Music Publishers' Association.

   *  Copyright Clearance Center Online.

   *  Licensing organizatios.

      American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
      now: ???




8.    Instructional software references and reviews.

   *  Technology in Music Education (TIME).  Reach with geograph-
      ical gopher menu via University of Texas San Antonio,
      Institute for Music Research.

   *  Brent Hugh's music instruction software page.  Has links to
      Site will become


9.    Music publishers.

9.1   List of U.S. music publishers.

   *  Music Publishers' Association.

9.2   Individual publishers.

   *  Theodore Presser, Inc.
      E-mail: ???

   *  Maestronet.  Piano sheet music for the early grades avail-
      able for sale and download directly over the net.  (Uses
      Adobe's cross platform file format Acrobat).


10.   Piano manufacturers.

   *  Baldwin.

   *  Kurzweil.


11.   Injuries.

   *  Jonas Jen's thesis on occupational problems of pianists:
      injuries and other disorders. Causes, symptoms, therapies.

   *  Article "Musculoskeletal Problems in Musicians" covering
      musculoskeletal/neuromuscular disorders as they relate to
      the musician; causes and effects, preventive measures, and
      an overview of current diagnosis and treatment procedures.
      Prepared by the Center for Safety in the Arts.
      Gopher path:
      Via WWW: gopher://

      At University of Nebraska - Lincoln:

   *  Repetitive stress injuries in general.

      SOREHAND mailing list
      Subscription address:

   *  List of RSI-aware doctors, including performing arts medi-
      cine clinics.
      auto E-mail:  to, subject "Findadoc"


12.   Piano course descriptions.

   *  Indiana University School of Music.
      Choose Music Resources on the Internet, Academic Sites.

      Also try using the Lycos search facility.  Search using
      keywords "piano"  and "course", "degree", or "major".


13.   Events.


      Note:  Every calendar of events I've seen on the net is
      terribly out of date.


14.   Various special topics.

   *  New piano notation conventions from the International
      Conference on New Musical Notation (1974).

   *  Ragtime.
      See also newsgroup and FAQ.

   *  Electronic music machines.

   *  Hammond Organ mailing lists:

      Technical discussion list.  To subscribe, send an E-mail to with
      in the message body.

      Music, artist, and recordings discussion list.  To sub-
      scribe, send an E-mail to with
         subscribe groove-b3
      in the message body.

   *  Disklavier.


15.   Bibliographies.

   *  Music Education Resource Base.


16.   Some starting points for Internet searches.

      The following provide numerous references to other sources
      of music-related information:

   *  Library of Congress.
      telnet:    Log on as marvel.

   *  The Piano Education Page.

   *  Indiana University School of Music.
      Chose Music Resources on the Internet.

   *  Carnegie Mellon University Internet index.  Provides a
      keyword search capability.

(Message sent Mon 4 Sep 1995, 22:38:20 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

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