Robbie said,
> [ The sloped "pumper bench" with my Aeolian Pianola is almost
> [ 23 inches high, and I like it when I'm hand-playing the piano
> [ with its key tops at 31 inches height. (Yes, the keyboard seems
> [ quite high, but the piano castors are original.) -- Robbie
This is interesting, because the highest set of keys I've ever run into
(and have measured) has been an old 1908 Weber Themodist 58" high with
the controls recessed behind the keys. Those keys are about 30-1/4"
high, while the top of the keybed is 27-1/4". (Which is what we said
earlier about the maximum height for uprights.) So if you have a piano
with keys at 31," that's definitely taller than I would have thought to
find. I'm sure I have run into plenty of them, but just didn't measure.
See what the top of the keybed measures.
By the way, I don't see how you can stand those sloping benches. They
make my tailbone hurt. But I'd also like to know about the sloping
bench: How tall is it at the center?
Craig Brougher
[ I measured the piano again: the top of the white keys is 30.5 inches
[ above the solid floor. The 1917 piano is 54-5/8" high. Without the
[ iron castors the piano would lose 2 inches height and rest on the
[ skid board. I'll send you a sketch of the sloping bench; it's nice
[ and simple. -- Robbie