I really appreciated Ed Berlin's letter giving us a lot of good, solid
history about racial disparity in songs of the teens, and forward.
I would like to say that as far as "discriminatory labels" are
concerned, it is presently the blacks themselves who engage in this
practice today -- far more than white folks do.
If I was in the habit of defaming white people with labels, and then
heard a black man using the same labels I was using, why should I raise
my eyebrows at that? If I thought it was okay for me but not right for
him, I would be a grade A hypocrite! So my question now is, "If it's
always okay for blacks to call each other niggers, darkeys, and coons
all day long (constantly in the movies) but "incorrect" for anybody
else, then the big brother "Thought Police" (major media, mostly) are
licensers and enforcers of hypocrisy, never honesty and justice.
Which forces the conclusion that the same people who worry about it and
demand that we follow them are cut from the same cloth. Frankly, I
want nothing to do with people like Carl Marx would have spoken to, or
Hitler's "Brown Shirt Gang". They are thugs enjoying acceptance by
the press.
On the other hand, I think that anybody with some feelings in his heart
won't say things about people that is unkind and would hurt. So let a
few rowdy, loud-mouthed black people call each other every name in the
book, since that is in vogue -- as it has always been for that sort of
person. Whites have the same kinds of people, given to that kind of
gutter tripe. The rest of us can grow past that, without feeling the
call to criticize old player rolls whose reflection of contemporary
ethnic proclivities did not consider it particularly distasteful, in
light of the fact that those black people then were the ones who
started it and have never stopped using those same words to each other
to this day!
Talk about the "plantation!" Talk about discrimination! The major
media has blacks in the palm of their hand. They teach them they
can't fight racial bias unless they stay on the media plantation and
lash out against society with the same kinds of accusations and
characterizations that they themselves have objected to now for over
200 years! Such people get what they deserve.
Craig Brougher