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MMD > Archives > June 1997 > 1997.06.12 > 10Prev  Next

Tubing Diagram for Lauter Humana Needed
By Walter Tenten

I forward this message to all readers of MMD.
I did this about one week ago, but it did not appear in
the digest, so I resend it today.

Walter Tenten

   Personal Home Page URL:

> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 14:52:29 +0200
> From: Pierre VIGNACQ <>
> To:
> Subject: Could you help
> Thanks by advance for taking a few seconds reading that stuff...
> This message comes from France.
> I send it to help a friend of mine who has no access to the net.
> I ask for your help because I have not any knowledge in pneumatic or
> automatic pianos, so searching on the web seems quite difficult.
> Here is the topic :
> My friend has a nice pneumatic piano, which hasn't been used for a long
> time. He wants to repair it. It seems that the only problem is that all
> tubes (connections) have been unplugged, and - of course - no drawing is
> available to restore the wiring.
> Here are some details (from memory, can be checked if necessary) :
> Manufacturer    : Lauter, Newark NJ
> Type            : Humana (not sure of the spelling)
> Manufactured    : 192X
> Mechanism       : limonaire
> Do you have any suggestion (idea, name, link, address...) that could
> help finding the drawing list.
> Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.
> Don't hesitate to ask for more information.
> Thanks again by advance,
> Pierre VIGNACQ

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 [ Editor's Note:
 [ Walter,
 [ Pierre has done his research on the Internet well, and has forwarded
 [ his request privately to quite an number of Digest subscribers.  You
 [ are about the 6th person who has recently forwarded this message to me.
 [ I forwarded his request to the Digest when I received it -- it ran
 [ in digest.97.05.21.
 [    Unfortunately, it appears that Michael Waters was the first person
 [ on the 'net approached with this question, and he posted his question
 [ to the MMD without providing Pierre's message and return address.
 [ Most of the interesting responses happened before I posted Pierre's
 [ message with his e-mail address.  Since then I have subscribed Pierre,
 [ and today sent him every message from the Digest since the first of
 [ May related to this piano.  I've also sent him personal e-mail
 [ suggesting he contact John Tuttle in New Jersey, who has owned
 [ 8 of these instruments.
 [    I'm running this message again, today, so that if anyone has more
 [ to add they can.  Further, I hope that people will stop sending
 [ this in...   ;-)
 [ Jody
 [    P.S.  I'm curious how many people did not receive (or did
 [          not read) digest.97.05.21 ?

(Message sent Thu 12 Jun 1997, 11:58:36 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.)

Key Words in Subject:  Diagram, Humana, Lauter, Needed, Tubing

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