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MMD > Archives > May 1997 > 1997.05.30 > 02Prev  Next

Universal problems
By John A. Tuttle

Hi All,

John McClelland writes:

> Subject: Universal Player Piano
> "Howdy all,  I have a friend that has a Universal Player Piano, purchased
> from the same company sometime in the '80's. Now it does nothing when the
> ON button is pushed.  Does anyone know where I might get a schematic of
> the PC boards & parts, if needed?   Thanks for your help"

To answer your question, I can Zerox a copy of the schematics I have
for the Universal type units. Unfortunately, I have never been able to
find or procure a schematic of the original PC board and even the ones
I do have are not always accurate. It seems that various components
were changed every time the company was sold. If the board is the problem,
which I doubt, you may end up having to convert it to the new style
board (also available from S & C.) However, in the past two jobs I
had with old Universals, the problem was the transformer located under
and behind the vacuum pump. In both cases, the transformer was burned
out. After speaking to John Omiatek, the head engineer at S & C, I
installed a transformer with twice the current handling capability
as the original (available at Radio Shack).

From previous experiences and conversations I've had with John O.,
there are really only two components on the PC board that are prone
to burning out due to poor design but in both cases the indications
prior to quitting are sluggishness or continual slowing of the roll
motor. If that is the case, there will be obvious scorching on the
PC board around the resistor and power transistor. Also, all of the
switches in the unit can be easily checked with a VOM. I've only
changed one switch in the past ten years or so.

If you want copies of the schematics I have, please send a stamped
self-addressed envelope to me at:

John A. Tuttle
407 19th Ave.
Bricktown, NJ

John A. Tuttle

(Message sent Fri 30 May 1997, 13:11:20 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  problems, Universal

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